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Join us in uplifting key bill and budget priorities!

Posted April 4, 2023; last updated February 9, 2024

2023-2024 Legislative Session Bill Priorities:












Current Budget Priorities:

Fiscal Year 2024 Supplemental Budget Priorities:

  • Adequately funding the Emergency Assistance family shelter program (Line Item 7004-0101) to provide traditional shelter or overflow shelter spaces to all eligible children and families (not capped at 7,500 families.)  

  • The Administration has told the Legislature that they need $225 million in supplemental funding for FY24 to continue to serve 7,500 families in shelters and hotels and to provide overflow shelter spaces to some of the families who have been approved for shelter but have been placed on a waiting list: $215 million directly for the EA program and $10 million for wraparound services.

  • See Governor Healey’s related FY24 supplemental budget request, House Bill 4284, released on January 24, 2024. It focuses on the Emergency Assistance family shelter program and housing and homelessness issues more broadly.

Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Priorities:


  • Launching a bridge subsidy program to promote housing stability for low-income older adults (Line Item 9110-XXXX, new line item under the Executive Office of Elder Affairs): Budget fact sheet


Recent Budget Priorities:

Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Priorities:












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