Legislative Action Day
We hope you will join us for the Coalition’s next Legislative Action Day (LAD) at the Massachusetts State House. Our annual LAD event brings together community members, advocates, providers, and legislators to take action to address and end homelessness across the Commonwealth. In the morning, participants will hear from powerful speakers who will share their lived experiences and insights on key budget and bill priorities related to housing, homelessness prevention, cash assistance, and safety net benefits. In the afternoon, participants will meet with legislators and staff members to advocate for investments and policy changes to ensure everyone in Massachusetts has a safe and permanent place to call home.
We invite you to join us for our next Legislative Action Day.
Sponsored by
Representative Jim O'Day
Monday, April 7, 2025
You can RSVP for our 2025 Legislative Action Day by filling out our online registration form here or by contacting Julia at julia @ mahomeless.org.
Can't make it?
Join our alert list to get the invite, training materials and advocacy opportunities. Sign up today!
What to expect?
During the event, we will focus on the Coalition’s current legislative (bill) priorities and fiscal year budget priorities.
Read about our 2025-2026 priorities here.
As a key part of the event you will also be encouraged to meet virtually or in-person with legislative offices.
During the registration process, MCH will ask if you need help setting up meetings with your legislators, and if so, we will work to set up appointments for you. You are provided with a training and materials to share with the legislators and staff and during the meetings, you pick a few of our priorities we spoke about in the morning session that are most important to you and let legislators and staff know why.
Here are some other tips for meeting with legislators and State House staff.
Take action Today!
How can you help make this event a success?
Volunteer to Be Part of the LAD Event Team
Interested in being a Legislative Action Day volunteer? Sign up today to be part of our LAD event team! (Shareable link: https://tinyurl.com/lad25vol)
Spread the Word
Help spread the word by sharing the link to this page: https://tinyurl.com/mchlad25.
Invite your friends, colleagues, community members, and state legislators by sharing the event invitation and flyer.
Unsure who your legislators are? If you have an address, enter it in this tool from the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office.
Join Us for the Pre-Event Information Sessions and Training
Leading up to Legislative Action Day 2025, we are hosting three information sessions and a pre-event training.
Do you want to learn more before signing up for Legislative Action Day 2025? The online information sessions will provide opportunities to learn more about the Coalition's work, Legislative Action Day, and our top legislative priorities. The sessions are scheduled for Tuesday, March 18th; Friday, March 21st; and Tuesday, March 25th. See more details and sign up here to join us for an info session. (Shareable link: https://tinyurl.com/lad2025info)
Already signed up for LAD 2025? The pre-event training will include an overview of our Legislative Action Day agenda, helpful hints about meeting with legislators and legislative aides, a review and discussion of the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless budget and bill priorities, and a question and answer session. The training is scheduled for Tuesday, April 1st. See more details and sign up here for the pre-event training. (Shareable link: https://tinyurl.com/lad25training)
For more information, please contact Kelly or Julia: kelly @ mahomeless. org and julia @ mahomeless. org (without spaces). Thank you!

Interested in sharing your story and expertise to advocate for change?
We are actively seeking speakers with lived experiences of homelessness, housing instability, and/or participation in state-funded benefit programs issues to be part of Legislative Action Day, legislative briefings, and other advocacy events. Your story and expertise can help shape public policy and make change.
Connect with us and learn more today!

Our hearts are filled with gratitude for all of your support for our March 7th Legislative Action Day at the State House!
Thank you to all the attendees for joining us in the fight to end homelessness. We had 200 people with us: families, youth, and adults with lived experience of homelessness, providers, advocates, and legislators all speaking up for solutions to homelessness, housing instability, and poverty, and taking action to ensure that everyone has a place to call home.
We are SO incredibly grateful for advocates, people with lived experience of housing instability and homelessness, and our nonprofit partners who shared their stories and remarks on the importance of addressing housing and homelessness issues NOW.
No amount is too small when it comes to making a difference.
Support MCH's work by donating today!