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Support Families Experiencing Homelessness and Protect the Right to Shelter. Join us in our mission to ensure that every child in Massachusetts has a safe place to sleep.

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Data and Updates on the Emergency Assistance (EA) Program

Follow this page for data, reports, and resources related to the Emergency Assistance (EA) family shelter program.

The dashboard generally is updated each week, and includes information on how many families currently:​

  • Are participating in the EA program

  • Were placed in shelter within the last 24 hours

  • Are staying in traditional shelter placements and in hotels/motels

  • In hotel/motel placements are supported by social service providers, National Guard members, or are without provider supports (when applicable)

  • Are staying in each city/town, broken down into cities and towns hosting 1-50 families, 51-200 families, and over 200 families

We continue to advocate with the Administration for additions to

the dashboard, including data on how many families have been approved for EA and are on the waiting list and how many families on the waiting list are staying in overflow and safety-net shelter sites directly operated or funded by the state.

Emergency Assistance Statewide Placement Data

Additional Emergency Assistance Family Shelter Documents and Resources

Updated Emergency Assistance Family Shelter Reports

As part of the supplemental budget passed on December 4, 2023, the Healey Administration is required to provide updates to the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Ways and Means every two weeks on the Emergency Assistance (EA) family shelter program and the state’s response to families experiencing homelessness (including both longer-term Massachusetts residents and newly arrived immigrant families).  See Chapter 77 of the Acts of 2023, line item 1599-0514 and Chapter 88 of the Acts of 2024, Section 19.


As we receive copies of the reports as submitted, we will post them here. Some of the reports also are available on the Legislature’s website on the Reports and Communications page.

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